The Incas lived between 1200 -1535 AD they were warriors with a powerful army and with strong religious beliefs. Their cities were built high on the steep slopes of the Andes mountains The Incas society was of a hierarchical structure. Army commander and high priest at the top The Incas used gods to explain nature and would decorate everything from ceramics to clothing, depicting all their religious beliefs and daily events.
Ceramics were painted in motifs of birds –waves –cats and bold geometric patterns, most distinctive being cusco bottles or aryballos They would paint them with colours made from mineral sands and plants
Weaving and spinning was highly specialized and was learned at an early age as a main task, also embroidery sewn with bone needles People loved to wear bright colours in braids, ribbon and thread, sequins, beads, feathers and, gold was sewn in to the fabrics Baskets and reed mats were made by plaiting and twining various materials together Feather work was another skilled craft Brilliant coloured feathers were used, eg, from the macaw parrot
A headdress of a general is made of dyed llama wool decorated with bold designs and feathers Inca tunics were made of woven alpaca wool simply made, but the designs were beautiful, decorated with fine gold thread. Dress was a symbol of status the more important the more finer the clothing, decoration these were made for religious ceremonies.
Cotton was grown on the hot lowlands and was worn for coolness. Plants were used to dye the yarn or finished textile, Cochineal was obtained from bodies of dried insects
Ancient Americas Tweed Reginal library
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