The Dongba script is an ancient Chinese script used to this day by the Naxi (Nahki) people of the Yunnan province in southwestern China east of the first bend of the Yangtze River. The Naxi people are one of the 55 recognized National Minorities that can be found in today's China.
This pictographic script of the Naxi dates back over a thousand years and and is the only pictographic script left in the world that can be written, read and understood in its original form. Approximately 1400 Dongba characters are still being used to this day.
The script is used solely to recount the myths, ledgends and religious beliefs of the Naxi people and is not directly related to their spoken language. Comparisons have been made between the Dongba script and the Egyptian and Mayan hieroglyphs, as they differ so greatly from traditional Chinese characters. According to some scholars the sacred writing of the Dongba religion or the "Dongba scriptures" amount to over 50,000 volumes. These scriptures were generally written on handmade sheets of paper sewn together at the left edge to form a book. Due to its complexity it can take decades to even become proficient at the Dongba script, which is a fair indication of the Naxi peoples dedication to their ideologies. Today there are around 60 Dongba priests that can read and write the Dongba script, younger priests are actively trying to revive the script in local schools. The preservation of the Dongba writing script is also strong representation of the Chinese people's love and appreciation of their rich history and culture.
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